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Wednesday, December 22, 2010



After getting my feet wet with my previous blog on exploring the wonderful state of Missouri, I have decided to start a blog with a broader focus. Like my previous blog, the photography presented here will all be captures taken by myself with the exception of the background. or on an occasion here and there where I feel a photograph taken from a fellow photographer would better be suited to the topic at hand. All photographs are copyrighted, by either myself or any fellow photographers kind enough to allow me permission to use their work. The first few posts listed below, are a re-hash of articles posted on the old explore Missouri site. Though I have chosen to broaden the scope of this blog, the reader will find that I still will post often on areas, and topics in regard to Missouri, though I will no longer restrict myself solely to just these areas. I will also focus from time to time on photo lessons with illustrations that I hope will be helpful to everyday photographers who wish to improve on the quality of the photos they take on vacation, at home, and maybe even inspire some to branch out and explore areas of photography they may have never thought about trying before. I had thought about exploring the option of doing a couple of blogs simultaneously, but realized I don't have the time to focus on too many projects at once. My hope is that although broadly focused, that I will be able to keep topics organized enough, to keep this blog from becoming yet another random thought, hard to follow type format. As I mentioned before the first couple blogs are going to be older ones, all of which are focused on the diverse state of Missouri. This blog is meant as a sounding board, though as a working photographer, I will feature a couple original captures per article. Should anyone be interested in obtaining a print, or wish to inquire about other areas of photography, feel free to email me. I work with a couple of different stock photography agencies who sell prints, and should they not have the particular one you may be interested in, I have full resolution copies. I enjoy sharing my experiences, and hope that I will be able to offer the reader information on Missouri, and other beautiful areas all across our great country in an enjoyable way. And as I've said before, never feel shy about approaching me on a topic. In many cases it could very well be worth a blog topic, and at the very least I'll do my best to answer any question the reader or may have. Should I not know much about the topic, I am fortunate enough to be friends with several published photographers, who would more than likely have the answer to any question. This new start to a blog happens to fall a few days before Christmas, so I'd like to end with a sincere wish that everyone has a fantastic Holiday, and the very best in 2011
© Tommy Burgess

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